Beat Satan Crouching at Your Feet With Jesus Christ!
In Genesis 4:6 God Himself sets forth a clear principal that I have found time after time to be true. It states
"Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” NIV
It meant I had "ruled over it." That would also mean that my works somehow equate to Jesus', and it doesn't.
Much more recently, our Lord revealed to me through the Scripture that sin is product of the flesh. The Spirit of Christ does not cause you to sin because Christ lives in the Spirit. Thus, if I am thinking of sin, I have my flesh on my mind. Instead, I should have the thought of Christ Jesus on my mind so that the Spirit of Christ guides me.
When God said to Cain that "...sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it," God is telling Cain that if he let's his violence and anger over his brother Abel take over, then he, Cain, himself, will open the door to his own life of hardship. That's what ultimately happened. Cain killed Abel and Cain had a difficult life.
This is a very difficult concept to accept. But I have learned from experience, and I continue to learn, that putting my desire first will generally work against me because God will manifest Himself to tell You He is the one You must trust and not my circumstances or in other people.
In Genesis 4:6 God Himself sets forth a clear principal that I have found time after time to be true. It states
I had read the verse before and the more I developed Spiritual Biblical knowledge through Holy Spirit Lord Christ, I knew that God's voice was resonating with me. God is saying that sin stands over us and that it will take whatever chance you give it to overtake us. God warns us by saying, "but you must rule over it."
After some time, and each time I read it, God revealed to me that we rule over sin by taking control over it. But how do you take over a addiction problem or a sex problem. What does it mean to "rule over it." Holy Spirit slowly told me to think about it stopping it by not letting sin happen. By that time I figured that if I stop thinking about the sinful act then I wouldn't do it so that meant I had "ruled over it."
But much more recently, our Lord revealed to me through the Scripture that sin is product of the flesh. The Spirit of Christ does not cause you to sin because Christ lives in the Spirit.. Thus, if I am thinking of sin, I have my flesh on my mind. Instead, I should have the thought of Christ Jesus on my mind so that the Spirit of Christ guides me.
When God said to Cain that "...sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it," God is telling Cain that if he let's his violence and anger over his brother Abel take over, then he, Cain, himself, will open the door to his own life of hardship. That's what ultimately happened. Cain killed Abel and Cain had a difficult life.
This is a very difficult concept to accept. But I have learned from experience, and I continue to learn, that putting my desire first will generally work against me because God will manifest Himself to tell You He is the one You must trust is Him
God Christ Jesus and not my circumstances or in other people.
I pray that our Lord will instill in my Heart and soul His endurance in undergoing a satanic attack by getting gang stalked out of the law business to the detriment of my own health.
However, I know that our Lord Christ Jesus is in charge and through Him He shall guide me to do what will glorify Him, Je
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