In John 8:44, Jesus reminds us how much influence the devil has in today's society. Jesus' remark didn't only apply to the Pharisees who were gang stalking Him, but to society in general. In the Book of Matthew 8, the Pharisees somehow managed to to catch a woman during the act of adultery. First off, the Pharisees are following and gang stalking this lady because somehow they found her " the act of adultery." They didn't say they suspected adultery, but that she "was caught in the act of adultery." This shows that gang stalkers didn't only stalk Jesus, but anyone else they were against too. I don't know how exactly they knew the marital status of the woman and her lover and how it is that the Pharisees actually caught the lady "in the act of adultery." The only logical explanation is that it was gang stalkers who were already stalking out the lady and broke into wherever she "was caught in the act of adultery." ...